7 Shocking Facts About Top Universities in the USA



The Universities in USA are regarded as some of the famous in this entire world. Also, it doesn’t mean that you know everything regarding the Top Universities in USA and there are many strangest as well as interesting facts that get left out officially. Here are some of the shocking as well as unbelievable facts about them.

7 Shocking Facts About Top Universities in the USA

1. MIT Students Has The Capability To Become Pirates Who Are Fully Qualified

 Any student of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) who has completed fencing, pistol, archery, and sailing classes is highly eligible for receiving a license to become a pirate. It doesn’t provide you rights to commandeer vessels, drink all rums, or smuggle goods.

2. A Student From Stanford University Is Winning A Medal In Olympics Every Year Since 1908

Obviously, the same student is not winning the medal from the Olympics but this is an amazing remarkable feat for Stanford University as well as its athletes.

3. The Statue at Harvard Is Actually Someone Else

Actually, no one knows the how John Harvard Exactly looks like and so when it is time to make a statue of John Harvard, the Daniel Chester French who have made the statue to sit in Harvard Yard at Harvard University. In that statue, he had used the likeness of his friend instead of using Harvard’s likeness.

4. The Caltech’s Football Team Remains Undefeated Since the Year 1993

The football team of the Caltech still remaining undefeatable from the year 1993 and it is known that this is because they didn’t have a football team till 1993.

5. The University Of Chicago Is Holding World’s Largest Scavenger Hunt Every Year

No one has the idea to make sure that why it has been the tradition of the University Of Chicago since the year 1987. The items that are made to be found every year include a list of entire things that are required to be performed, programmed, eaten, painted, built, written, drawn, eaten, and painted as well. To say it in a single word is just an epic.

6. Cannabis Had Grown In Cornell's Gardens Until 1970s

Everyone knows that the plantation of Cornell University is a familiar home for both the poisonous plant garden as well as weed garden. But they are expecting that their students will find the content of cannabis to make them more enjoyable and also to bring them back to 1970’s.

7. Rare Books In The Library of Yale University Will Kill You Literally

The library of Yale University goes to a great extent to take care of their rare books as well as manuscripts which are made to be stored in Manuscripts and Beinecke Rare Books Library. If it catches fire then the whole library will fell with fire-suppressing and lethal gas after thirty seconds. So it will be difficult to get out of the library. Since the air will be removed from it after some time being a part process. This shows that there will be a great chance to suffocate death if you thought to ignore alarms to carry on with your work.


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About the Author:

Dhruv is Content Creator at °Ç¸çºÚÁÏ.com. He is fond of words and everything related to them. Writing about different things from around the world gives him immense pleasure, and a very healthy by-product is sharing the information and helping others in the process.

Categories: USA

Tags: Study Abroad

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