How much does it cost to study in Abroad



Studying abroad is expensive than studying in the home country. One of the important factors which international students apply to compare the study abroad countries is the cost of study. Different countries have different fee structures, education systems, the value of currency etc. So it is better that you should first calculate the total cost of study then finalise the country.

Significant factors of cost to study in abroad

While calculating the overall cost of studying abroad, you need to consider many elements. These elements are mentioned below:

  • Tuition fee: First main expenses of study abroad is the tuition fee of the foreign university. The fees depend on the university you choose to study your preferred course. Public universities have low tuition fees compared to private universities, as public universities receive funding from the government. However, the quality of education remains the same depending upon the country you choose. 
  • Accommodation/housing cost:  After considering the tuition fee next your major part of your overall cost of studying in a foreign country would be your accommodation expenses. Housing or accommodation expenses are the biggest concern for each student going to study abroad. However, not every student gets the opportunity for university accommodation. They have to take shelter in rented places.
  • Living cost: This cost includes your meals, groceries, telephone expense, electricity bill, internet expenses etc. In short, your everyday expenses are included in it. It depends on the location you choose to stay and the way of your lifestyles. Many international students try to cover their living expenses by working part-time wherever possible along with their studies. However, part-time work has its limitations for different countries. 
  • Study expenses: For studying at the abroad universities, you will require to spend some money on your course material and project world. For a theoretical course, you will require books that sometimes can be borrowed from the library or bought second hand. For practical courses your need to purchase materials to create the projects.
  • Visa fees: For studying abroad you will require a student visa for entering the new country. For applying for the student visa, you will require to pay some money. Each country charges a different visa application fee. So while calculating the cost of studying abroad, student visa fees must also be included.
  • Health Insurance expense: It is compulsory to have health insurance for studying abroad. Even for the visa application, you would need to submit your health insurance documents for getting approval. Different countries have different costs for insurance.  For example, it would cost around 29.10 Euro per month for studies within Europe, 70.03$ in the USA etc.
  • Transportation: After tuition and living, transportation is one of the major expenses which students should include while planning their cost arrangements for studying abroad. Along with flight expenses, you should also consider the travel expenses of your daily life in a new country. 

How much does it cost to study abroad in Australia

The fee structure of universities in Australia is such that it gives its students proper practical knowledge and the fee is worth it.  Studying in Australia can be quite expensive but, surely, you will get an education which is valued all over the world.  On an average the tuition fee can be:

Study level

Tuition fee

For Bachelor in Australia

$15,000 to $33,000 per year

For Masters degree in Australia

$20,000 to $37,000 per year

For a Doctoral degree in Australia

$14,000 to $37,000 per year


Along with tuition fee, the other expenses for studying in Australia are tabulated with their the average amount of cost here:

Expenses Amount
Accommodation in Australia 500- 2,000 AUD per month
Food Cost in Australia 100-200 AUD for a week’s worth.
Transportation in Australia 30 to 70 AUD
Extra Costs 500-1,000 AUD in a year
Health insurance 25-30 AUD a month


For more information, check this out: Cost of studying in Australia

How much does it cost to study abroad in Italy

Italy is one of the most affordable countries to study abroad. Tuition fees in Italy are lower than most other nations in Europe. Institutions that impart higher education usually determine their tuition fees. But for university education, the Italian government fixes the minimum and maximum limits of the fee structure. The private institution is much more expensive than the public institution. Here is an average tuition fee you can expect to study in  Italy:


Tuition Fees

In Public Universities

900 to 4,000 € per year

In Private Universities

6,000 to 20,000 € per year.


Italy is one of the cheapest countries to study abroad in Europe. Living expenses during your studies in Italy depends on the location you choose to stay and standard of living. However you on average you can expect :



Accommodation in Italy

200 to 300 Euros per month

Cost of Food in Italy

Minimum 150 Euros per month

Transportation in Italy

25 and 35 Euros per month

Entertainment-related costs

30 or 40 Euros per week

Extra Costs

30 or 40 Euros.


You will get complete information here: Cost of studying in Italy

How much does it cost to study abroad in France

Education costs in France are lower compared to other top study destinations such as the US and UK. The Cost of study in France differs with the specific program you choose. The overseas university cost in France for a private institute is higher compared to public institutes. The average cost of tuition fee for a different level of course are :

Study level

Tuition fee

For Bachelor's (Licence) programmes

2,770 euros per year

For Master's programmes

3,770 euros per year

For Doctorate (PhD) programmes

380 euros per year


The above-mentioned values refer only to public universities. The tuition fee at private universities can be higher than this. They can range from 3,000 to 20,000 euros per annum.

The amount you spend on living for every month in France will directly depend on your lifestyle and the place you intend to take up your living arrangement. To make your work easy we have made a list of expenses you need to consider while calculating the overall cost of studying in France.



Student Accommodation in France

200 – 300 EUR per month.

Cost of Food in France

200-250 EUR per month

Transportation in France

17 and 33 EUR

Insurance for health care

20-50 EUR per month

Cost of Student Visa in France

99 Euros


Check this, for detailed analysis of cost: Cost of studying in France

How much does it cost to study abroad in Spain

The Tuition fees in the universities in Spain are figured out by the Pay-per Credit system. Spanish General Assembly for University Policy regulates the fee structure of all universities. The governing body fixes the minimum and maximum fees, on the basis of each region across the country. On average your tuition fee will be:

Study level

Tuition fee

For bachelor degree programs

750 – 2,100 EUR per year

For Post Graduate and Masters programs

900 – 3300 EUR per year


Spain is typically an affordable country. It is one of the cheapest countries to study in Europe. Here is the average amount of expenses you will require to budget for studying in Spain :



Accommodation in Spain

350- 800EUR per month

Cost of Food in Spain

200 EUR to 300 EUR per month.

Transportation in Spain

60 EUR per month

Extra Costs

200 EUR per month


For complete information, read this: Cost of studying in Spain

How much does it cost to study abroad in Germany

You will find the cheapest study abroad programs in Germany, as public universities do not charge a tuition fee. They charge an only administration fee. However, private universities charge tuition fees from international students. Here is the average tuition fee in the universities in Germany:

Study level

Tuition fee


€250 per semester for administration cost in Public university as it has no tuition fee.

26,000 EUR per year in Private universities


€20,000 per year at public universities

up to €30,000 at private German universities


€250 administration cost


While studying in Germany, you will be required to pay for other expenses as well, other than tuition fee. The average cost of studying abroad in Germany is:



For food and drink 


For clothes 


For transport 


For telephone, internet and TV license 


For work/study materials 


For leisure activities 



For more information, you can check this page: Cost of studying in Germany

How much does it cost to study in Canada

The Cost of Study in Canada is lowest among the English speaking countries like the United States, the United Kingdom or Australia. Universities in Canada have the right to set their fees. The tuition fees depend on the study program you choose, and the international students are charged more than domestic students. The tuition fee may be between.



Public universities in Canada

5000 CAD per year

Private Universities in Canada

C$20,000 to C$30,000 per year


The cost of living varies with the location. Certain regions in Canada are more expensive than others. Vancouver maintains its position as the most expensive Canadian city to live in while Quebec, has significantly lower prices. The average figures for different expenses in Canada are:




Accommodation in Canada 

In Toronto CAD 1080 to $2900 per year.

In smaller cities like St John’s, NewfouCAD 150D 710 per year. 

Montreal and some parts of Quebec can have CAD 550.


CAD 200 to 400

Miscellaneous (Electricity, Water, Heating, etc.)

Around CAD 150 per Month

Canada Student Visa Cost

CAD 150

International Student Health Insurance

CAD 600 to CAD 900


Here is the complete guide for you: Cost of studying in Canada

Arrangement of funds for covering your cost of studying abroad

For Studying abroad you will need more funds than studying in the home country. You can try to arrange funds in the following ways :

  1. Sponsorship - You can get connected with the sponsor parties to fund your study abroad cost. You need to research well. Maybe your relatives or friends can help you with this. You can also find some organisation for it.
  2. Scholarships - This is the best way to cover your partial or total expenses. You can take advantage of the various scholarships available to study abroad. You can find scholarships in your home country as well as your study country. There are numerous scholarships offered by governments of the country, international universities and external organizations.
  3. Education loan - This is the most preferred method for the arrangement of funds for studying abroad. You will get full payment for the whole course. You just need to pay some interest, that too after completion of your studies. You can get an education loan in your home country as well as your study abroad country. You need to fulfil some formalities for it.
  4. Work part-time - If you are unsuccessful in getting scholarships, you can start working abroad while studying. Many countries allow international students to work part-time along with their studies unless it doesn’t affect your studies. You will get connected with new people and learn new things.

Cheapest countries to study in the world

If you cannot afford to study inexpensive countries try to find low cost countries to study abroad. Here we have made a list of countries which are cheaper than others:

So we hope you got your answer for How much does it cost to study in Abroad in this article. Before applying to any university, check the fees for that particular course. If you have made up your mind to study abroad, don’t step back. Arrange your funds and make your dream come true.

About the Author:

Twinkle is an active listener and observer. She has a boundless curiosity to improvise her all-round knowledge. She is always open about her thoughts and her personality is filled with thirst for acquiring knowledge about different fields. Her favourite pastime is to pen down her thoughts and knowledge. Her strength is the simplicity of language yet being artistic.

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